Introduction to Youth Work

Who is this course for?

This course is aimed at new youth workers and youth work volunteers who haven’t yet undertaken a Level 2 or 3 qualification in youth work, or who are a bit unsure if a qualification is the way they want to go. It is also for volunteers who would like to take an introduction course and find out if youth work is for them.

What is the course content?

The course is interactive and will involve group discussions and getting involved in practical activities. It will involve some (minimal) writing and does not involve any exams or coursework!  

The course will cover the following: 

  • What is youth work? 
  • The key purposes and principles of youth work.
  • Legislation and policies.
  • Skills and qualities needed to be an effective youth worker.
  • Communication and engagement with young people.
  • Adolescent development.

Course dates and times

This new course will be delivered across 2 x 4.5 hour sessions from 10am – 3pm, including a break for lunch.

  • Bridgewater – Victoria Park Community Centre – Wednesday 18 and 25 September 2024.
  • Langport – Ridgway Hall – Saturday 16 and 23 November 2024.

You must be able to attend both sessions. Refreshments will be provided.


The cost is usually £50 per person. The Somerset courses are subsidised by Spark Somerset.  This means it is free if your organisation is a member of the Somerset Youth Work Alliance.  

Bristol City Council HAF team are covering the costs of this course for Bristol HAF providers.  Please contact us if you are not a HAF provider but would like to attend.   

Invoices will be sent once places have been confirmed.  

How to book

Email and we’ll send you a learner registration form to complete. We will then be in touch to confirm your place on the course.  Please note that a minimum of 10 learners are needed for the course to go ahead.